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Blog Three things every social post needs

Three things every social post needs


You're told to post on social. You're told to be consistent. But what happens when you're posting and not seeing any results or interactions on your posts. Make sure your copy includes these three elements and watch your engagement soar.

Hook - The first few sentences of the post need to draw the reader in and make them want to continue reading. 

Substance - This is where the bulk of your post goes. This should be one focuses on one talking point. Posts shouldn't always be salesy. You want to educate and add value so people want to continue to read from you and begin to like, know, and trust you and then eventually will buy from you. 

Call to Action (CTA) - It doesn't always have to be "buy my box" but your post should always have some sort of call to action at the end. Things like "Comment below and let me know" ....  or "share this post with a friend who struggles with this too" are examples of great calls to action that encourage interaction. There's a reason you created this post - remind your viewers what action you expect them to take. 

There you have it. Pretty easy right?! 


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Do you wish you just had someone in the subscription industry who could help you with a specific struggle in your box business? Or maybe you just need a fresh set of eyes and someone to brainstorm with - I'm your girl! 

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